
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to connect the curves attached(i want to make the red lines as black ones at the file), as I do it with the command fillet 0, but i cannot succeed.

I tried curve curve intersection, also tried to convert the curve to polylines and tried line line intersection..

Sorry i am beginner in gs and couldnt find a relevant topic.

Views: 2623


Replies to This Discussion

There is no tool in Grasshopper (at least not in the core product) that mimics the Fillet Radius=0 feature. In fact you cannot extend curves until they intersect at all, you can only extend them with a pre-specified length. There may be plugins for GH that offer such functionality but I don't know how to solve this problem.

Are these curves generated in Grasshopper or do you draw them by hand/import them from other software?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Yes they are generated in gs, i offset a polysurface, i get sections from them and i want to connect the lines. I attached the files

Best regards

Sorry, files 


Hi erdem,

Ning doesn't support RAR files, you'll have to upload them as ZIP. But I doubt I'll be able to help out even then.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Please find the files below, thanks


If you join the breps beforehand you can contour them and then offset the contours. Won't that give you the result you're after?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Thanks, but it works here, but if the surface curvature is more then this, the difference between curve offset and surface offset differs. I want to use this in a moulding module of different parts. I tried to join the breps and offset, but it gave the error "failed to convert brep to surface".

Thanks for your interest.





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