
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am learning grasshopper and I am trying to cull the intersected curves from a set of curves, I have seen a reply in the forum however when I try to apply it in the definition, I am not having the expected results.

Any ideas? Thank you!

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Don't mix up the "pattern" with the objects you're trying to cull.

'Dispatch' and 'Cull Pattern' get the same result:


Okay, thank you very much for making that distinction!

I was wondering if there was a way to do the same but with the blue curves (like in the attachement), first identify those curves seperatly,  then shatter them as in the gh file for Example 1 is made in relation to the red points, so that the final result are the black curves. I have managed to do it for one set of curves, but I think I am not sure how to manage the data to achieve it in all. 

Thank you 


I find this too confusing, both the description and the code.  From what I can tell, this is the only functional part?

The curves connected to the 'CCX B' input are organized in a peculiar way with six curves in branch '{0;0;0}', six curves in branch '{1;0;0}' and two curves each in branches '{2;0;0}' and '{3;0;0}'.  Is that deliberate?

In some cases there is one intersection, other cases two and in some cases zero...

Then you want to shatter some curves...  I would connect 'CCX tA' to 'Shatter t' input and then... ugh.  My ego says that with enough time and effort, I can dig through any data tree and make sense of it but frankly, it's not working on this one and I'm not interested in wading any deeper into this quagmire.  Sorry.


That´s all right, thank you!






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