
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Sorry about a noob question:


I'm trying to use rhinocommon with python to create a new viewport in rhino with the following method



the method requires the following inputs:


|              title: The title of the new Rhino view.

|              projection: A basic projection type.

|              position: A position.

|              floating: true if the view floats; false if it is docked.

|              Returns: The newly constructed Rhino view; or null on error.

However when I try to use it python gives an error:


Add() takes exactly 5 arguments (4 given)

I've figured out that it wants me to give it also the "self" argument:


Add(self: ViewTable, title: str, projection: DefinedViewportProjection, position: Rectangle, floating: bool)

However I have no idea what to give as a first argument.

Here is the code if it helps:


import Rhino.DocObjects.Tables as tables

import Rhino

import System


System.Drawing.Rectangle(0,0,100, 100),True)

Thanks from your help in advance!


-Matti Pirinen

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