
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi so I'm trying to make this flower and the problem is that it is made through a formula so when I make a polyline it intersects on itself.

It intersects on the origin so what I wanted to do is test the points on whether they are on the origin or not, and then partition the list based on the the distance between the Trues

What that would give me is a partitioned list of points for each pedal. Which I would then try to make a surface from.

Anyone know how I can do so?

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You can use [Member Index] to identify where in the list the Origin occurs and then do a running subtraction of two shifted lists (S=1) and (S=-1) where the Wrapping is false to get the partition sizes.

Edit: Sorry just to clarify in the example above I have the Expression is S=-S and both values are 1. 

Thank you very much Danny! Even if I knew about member index (which I didn't) I don't think I would have ever thought of shifting the list like that.





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