
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

controlling contours along a mesh with a graph-mapper?

hi grasshopper!

I'm trying to create a series of contours along a mesh but I'm trying to control them with a graph-mapper curve, so the distances between the contours are irregular. 

Now, I've managed to create contours along the mesh and they work fine eg

great. And I've also managed to create isocurves using a graph mapper, but ONLY on a surface, not a mesh - using this which I found on this forum.

However, I want to control the contours with the graph mapper, so get that irregular spacing. Or maybe I can use the isocurves on a mesh instead of a surface? 

But I just can't get it to work! Any suggestions?


here's the gh. and 3dm

Views: 3520


Replies to This Discussion

Hello Chris,

Contour(ex) can accept multiple offset values. The hard part is creating those values:

I used the point & vector you had set in your definition to create a plane which will be the starting contour plane. I also created the object's bounding box on this plane so that we can have the object's length (so that the contours are always inside the object)

Hope this is clear enough, let me know if you have any questions!

ps. You might notice that the last contour doesn't cut through the object. This is because the end face of your object is not parallel to the start face.


B-RILLIANT! In the end I was creating a series of curves on a plane then projecting them onto the mesh but this way is a lot neater and less of a bodge :) 

Eternally grateful. 





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