
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Greetings All,

So I am trying to find a way where you can take all the items in a list and output them individually without having to create a "list item" component for each object. Essentially it would be a component like "multiple murge" but flipped; allowing you to specif i the number of outputs from a data set (in this case lines). 

My design problem has 2 Base curves that are subdivided to create streight lines between the points. From this I am controlling a single point on each individual line to create a resulting curve shape. My problem is I will eventualy have hundreds of subdivisions of the base curves and as many lines created from those points and do not want to create a "list item" for each.


Is there a component I am missing? that will let me do the opposite of "multi murge"? Would this have to be scripted?


Any thoughts would be much apreciated... Till then


Cheers and Beers

Matt M.



Views: 2505


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One way would be to use the Tree Explode Component and graft the input. There is an output manager in the context menu to add more. Note you would need to Flatten the list again for curves and lofting.

There is a bug with this component. The list starts by default with 1 and 2 but when you edit it in the output manager it will revert to 0, 1 etc.


or you go the other way, by using two attractor lines. Its a more visual control, evaluteCrv is more numeric.


Best Regards



Hey Danny,


Can't begin to tell you how much this helps. I had tryed a few versions of this but with no luck. I downloaded the latest release of GH and having the graft function... well... lets just say I might get some sleep now. :P Its exactly what I have been looking for. Thanks again...


Cheers, Matt

Hey Danny,


Wanted to ask how/why this works. Don't get me wrong... I am ecstatic that it does... Just want to know how grafting splits the data? How does graft differ from flaten ect...? Thanks in advance...



Grafting is the process of putting every item on a branch onto its own branch. Grafting in layman's terms: Make a fist with your hand. In the palm of your hand you have your 5 digits, 1 Branch, N=5. Now open you hand and splay you digits apart. You now have 5 branches with N=1.

Tree explode will then separate all of the branches of a tree out. 1 output = 1 branch. But you still have to manually add outputs to the component. i.e. if you have 5 branches then you need 5 outputs, 100 branches = 100 outputs manually added by the user.

Flattening is much more brutal. It will chop off all your digits, toes and fingers it doesn't distinguish between them, then puts them all in a jiffy bag and posts them to the next component.  

LOL... Nice imagery and explanation. Ill have to use that in the future... especially the flattening one. Thanks again for all your help.
I was inspired by your profile picture.
the files





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