
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys!^^


I was trying to create a simple catenary array between two curves, in order to rebuild a form like the shell in the image (but defined with catenaries)... i'm not sure i'm proceeding well... it's the first time that i use that component. So, i need to create a sort of parabolic equation that determine the growth between each curve i think... how can i do that? There are 2 symmetrical curves... i'm not sure that i need to divide them...

I have also another problem with the Catenary component... as i read in some discussions here: the loft between the generated curves goes always wrong. Someone can help me?

Thx in advance,



PS: Do you think it's better proceed with Kangoroo? I never built a definition with that thing... it will be too much complex?

Views: 1264


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Marco,


there's no clear equation for creating a catenary with a given sag. You could use Galapagos to solve it for all of them though, but it might take a while as there are a lot of variables.


Oh darn, just found a problem with Galapagos in the most recent version. It updates far too often. I'll fix it, then release an update, then post an example of what I meant.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you David,


mh... I think I underestimated the problem... It could be very difficult for me to find an equation for creating that thing. And also I've to learn more about Galapados before to use it for complex things..:P I will try in a different way, probably I will create the catenaries one by one, once that I've drew a spline that determines the heights of the shell, i'll have three points and so then i'll could draw the catenaries with a simple definition. What is the problem with Galapados? Thx for fix it :)

The problem is that it solves the solution after every single slider change. So if you're solving for 20 sliders, it will take 20 times as long as it should.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey David.

I'm just running into the same problem (& I need some stuff for my thesis presentation that's coming up). Would you be able to push this out soon as an updated gha or will you want to wait for 8.010? (ie should i revert to Grasshopper 8.007?)



Here's my take on it.  I don't have the time right now to look at the progressive variation of the cat depth but I think it just requires a varying series into the 'a' input of the function component...could be wrong though.



Oh gosh, thx a lot Chris! ^^ I will try that now! You really helped me... i was trying others def but everything went wrong :P
Mmh.. i don't know why, but something doesn't works... I've tried to change the values of the slider...but nothing happens :(...

The errors are: IntCrv: --> Insufficents vertices for a curve

Loft--> Insufficient valid profile curves...

Here's my .3dm file.  It might have something to do with how the curves are placed on the C-plane.  Post your file if you still can't get a result.








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