
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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I have an extruded object that is being cut with a complex curve. The resulting cut is non-planar and theremore not capped. Can someone suggest a strategy for capping an object that is bounded by four differing curves?


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Or, alternatively, it would work to create a surface from a series of curves (3-plus curves), but that are NOT closed. For instance, if there's a component that would tell grasshopper to take a "U" curve and Turn it into an "O" (ie, close the open side of the object).

That would also work wonderfully. Thanks-
If two of the curves are straight lines and non-consecutive, you can just loft the other two together.
If not, you can call the edgesrf method from a component using this code:

Dim crv As New list(Of OnNurbsCurve)
For i As Integer = 0 To x.Count - 1
a = rhutil.RhinoCreateEdgeSrf(crv.toarray)

Connect to the 'x' input of the component the list of 4 curves, set the component as 'list' and type hint 'oncurve'.
That would work in one case (my first post).

For my purposes, it would also work to 'close' a series of open, planar curves.

Is there a simple method for closing 'open' curves? I know how to test for it... I just don't know how to fix it! Thanks again...
How do you want it to be closed?
The simplest method would be to extract the start and end points of the curve, create a straight line from one point to the other and join both curves.





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