
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

for an upcoming project I needed some Auto-Referencing Mechanism.

Whenever a new Curve or Point was manually added to a certain Rhino-Layer it should get added to a collection Grasshopper is already referencing (the count of these objects was very moderate). Has anybody already done such and could advise?

Thanks, Holger

Views: 452

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David,

I saw your answer in my Email Inbox but it doesn't appear here for strange reasons...


"Is the order important?
If a new curve is created, should it appear at the end of the list of referenced objects?
If an existing curve is changed, should it stay at the same index or move to the end... "

1) Keeping order would be handy
2) yes
3) stay at same index

Quoting seems broken, needed to edit the Html...

I decided to remove my response since I probably won't have the time soon to work on this regardless of the answers...



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Oh bummer!

I actually thought that I'd even seen such Auto-Referencing mentioned before...

So just to clear this up - you would not see any way to do such unless you add the programatic


This can use by-layer referencing, although it seems to need a gh solution rebuild to refresh the data when objects are added to the layer:

Many thanks Greg!

This is exactly what I had seen before. It was of course cool if one could even get rid of the Definition Rebuild but this definedly seems usable, great!





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