
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have the poly surfaces made in grasshopper and I was the small rectangles in them to have an attractor point that controls the sizes of it but it wasn't working in the script I have I don't know why. I also have the spheres in a layer in the rhino file that I used to create the form. I just need help with having the attractor points working on the form.

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Your code does nothing without the Rhino file.  You internalized the points ('Pt') but not the 'Srf' param.

P.S.  Looks like any rectangular surface will do?  Circular surface, not so much...

P.P.S.  Ah, but size of surface relative to distance from points is a factor, so to speak.

I just couldn't upload the rhino file because the size is too big 


thank you i will try it I have a sphere surface that is how the design is..

It really would have helped (a lot!!!!!) if you had provided a surface, flat or sphere, internalized in your GH file.


thats one of the spheres since the file was too big I left just one


When I posted this reply, I didn't even notice the seven other copies of the code you left in the GH file...  If I missed a detail in the code, I'm sure it can be fixed?

What was obvious(?) at a glance is that this code is needlessly complex and, for two reasons, just plain wrong:

Did you notice that both 'Item (List Item)' components return the same value?  That's due to an off-by-one error for the second one; it should be 'Lng - 1'.  With 'Wrap=True', you were getting element 0 instead of element 'Lng - 1' (list elements are zero-based).

'Graft' on the 'Dom' inputs is pointless.  You could do it this way:

Or even easier, as I suggested yesterday, use the 'Bounds (Bnd)' component to get the same result - that's what it's for!

I quit looking at that point, in large part because I didn't have your surface.  Now that you have posted the Rhino file, I'm digging a little deeper and see other issues.  I can't over emphasize how incredibly important it is to post your whole model!!!  So much time is wasted otherwise.

I will not follow you to the duplicate thread you created and hope you will delete it.

Why are you using two attractor points?  I chose only one of them.

I went through the rest of your code and fixed things as I saw fit to get this:

As you can see, the remaining problem is due to your trimmed sphere surface.  The points and resulting 'Loft' bits that are not on the trimmed surface need to be culled.  Quit simple really, if you look at the 'D (Distance)' output of 'Srf CP'.  Like this (

Did you mean to leave the holes?  If not, you can skip 'Edges', move the scaled surfaces, then 'Loft' and 'Join' them so the pyramids become 'Closed Breps' (

All three versions (attached) have your surface and points internalized so no need for Rhino file.  See how easy that is when the whole model is available?


Thank you.. 





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