
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Attempting Relaxation meshes without Weaverbird

Hi there,

I've just be recently trying to attempt relaxed mesh surfaces using the Exoskeleton + Kangaroo components, but without Weaverbird as I am using a residential college's computer without admin's access to install Weaverbird (long weekend so staff are not here!).

My problem is that I'm seeing the points of the mesh 'relax' and respond to Kangaroo, however the output geometry is unable to create a geometry. I'm assuming this is due to not having Weaverbird

Is there a way around this without using Weaverbird? What makes wbJoin and wbVertices different to Join Mesh and MeshEdges (via the vertices output).

I've attached the files of what I have done. Any response would be great!



Views: 3488


Replies to This Discussion

 In my opinion, it's not a weaverbird problem. If you simply want to relax your exo-wireframe mesh, Your definition might be pretty simple. You can use both old Kangaroo & Kangaroo2.

 If the exoskeleton component disappear, just use and reconnect yours.


Plus, set your ExoWireframe component's end opening option to "true".

That did the trick... the end opening option must've been set to false... oops. Thanks a lot!


I wanted to see the definition, but i don't get the same resoult as You.

Where is my mistake?

tried the reset button?

Yes. The same situation.It doesn't work.

But when i starting this definition i see this message. I think that this i the problem.

Here we have the updated file. Regarding first definition(using Kangaroo-0,099 solver),

just double click the solver. Best.


Yes :) now it is working but only second one. And how about first one?

I see that there is also some errors on the mesh component.

And one more question. Is there any way to control thickness of the connectors? Now it is vey thin and flattened.

Did you install Kangaroo0.099(old version)at the same time?

And try adjust "Line" goal's length or strength input value.

And double clicking the 0.099solver and press play button.

Hi Hyungsoo! Anyway there is a way to unfold this shape for fabrication? in elastic fabric?





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