
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Assign multiple angle ranges to multiple angles, how to?


I have two lists, one with points and one with domains.

I want to use the points as center for arcs and the domains as start and end angle.

I had the idea this would be fairly simple, but the solution I came up with doesn't work. See screenshot.
In the screenshot you will see all the angles are 360, instead of less than 360. What am I doing wrong?

I think this is very basic, so thanks for your answers.

Views: 330


Replies to This Discussion

Radians instead of degrees?
Thanks, that worked, but now I have another problem.
When I create a list of random numbers the random numbers repeat instead of being random all the time, see screenshot. How can I make all the numbers in the list different??

See picture.
Try varying the seed number (S).





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