
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

We are currently doing a project on reaction diffusion, and therefor we need to have a changing color for a point grid.

An example of reaction/difusion is:

Is there a simple way of doing this? We are currently looking at grasshopper attributes and trying to see if we can assign colors this way.

Are we on the right track?

Views: 1597

Replies to This Discussion

Are you using Rhino 5? if so do you have a selection Filter active?

Hi there .. I can't imagine I'm missing anything, I open a new file in Rhino5 (latest builds of rh+gh), make some points, apply an image, and no baking is possible.

To be clear - a coloured, selectable point cloud would be the desired result ..

Any ideas? Simplified ghx attached.



Well, at least I found two serious bugs due to missing images and the sampler...


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

David: Glad I could add to the 'to do' list (?) ;) ..

It also occurred to me that the bake command itself also applies a colour to the resulting objects (by default, layer) .. not sure if this would overide the point colours or only affect wireframe view.

Looking into other possibilities .. 

Here is another comparison - with Giulio's component ( points are no problem, the issue is always the pointcloud object (and pointclouds take their layer colour on creation ...)

So close yet so far ..


On this topic, I also found this pipeline to generate coloured pointclouds (though my knowledge of python is perhaps too little to get it working ..)

Perhaps this could be combined with the VB component ?





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