
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I am new to grasshopper, I am trying to analyze a surface by its angle variation.

I only need three outputs: 

The area lower than 20 degrees

The area between 20 and 40 degrees, and

The area above 40 degrees

I found a program already made but it only analyzes Mean or Gaussian surfaces (I added the file), and I have no idea how to change this paramater into specific angle variations.

The purpose of this is to find the exact limit of a topography where the terrain's slope turns sharper, which to our government are the angles I express before.

I would appreciate your help,

Views: 1290


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I wonder if this is helpful. Check attached. Best.


It worked in a tiny surface, like the one you tested it. But I turn all red when I applied it to the terrain I'm analyzing (check attachment). 

Thank you!


Post data

I suppose you'd be better off flipping your terrain surface normal direction.

hahahahaha, I already tried that. Well, I flipped it in various direction. I do not know what normal direction would be, sorry. 

This is the file


Good luck.


Genius! thank you very much!

I don't want to take any more time from you, this is the last thing, what tools would you recommend me to draw the border of the areas with a line? So when I bake it, I can do a make2d in order to transfer this information into a blueprint

I'm sorry for the bother, and thank you very much!

You can project the result onto a plane. You can get nurbs or mesh(with colors) either.






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