
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i have data like this: (coming out of a param viewer - indicating the full list of paths all in one list)


0.{8;0} 1.{8;1} 2.{8;2} 3.{8;3} 4.{8;4} 5.{8;5} 6.{8;6} 7.{8;7}

8.{13;0} 9. {13;1} 10. {13;2}   ...  20.{13;12}

21. {21;0}22. {21;1}23. {21;2}  ...  41. {21;20}

42. {34;0}43. {34;1}44. {34;2}  ...  75. {34;33}

76. {55;0}77. {55;1}   ...   ....


I want to grab the first 8 [0-7], the next 13[8-20], the next 21[21-42] etc

so i have the (known fibonacci seq) list of numbers on the left here:

C       S

8      0

13    8

21    21

34    42

55    76

89    131

144  220

233  364


and i need the list on the right, so that i can select items using a Series (N=1 and S and C from the list above) and a List Item component.


the simple question is:

is there a component that can take a list and accumulate it in this way that I need?

if not, is there anyone that can point me to a simple relevant VB example so i could easily adapt it?


many thanks,


Views: 1648

Replies to This Discussion

It sounds Like a combination of Fibonacci, Mass Addition and Sub Domain will do what you want:


thats the ticket!

a thousand thanks Danny Boy(es)  :-D


Mass addition was basically the missing link, that i needed.

A least you didn't start singing "Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling...." :)

I've always thought the Doctor Zoidberg rendition was best.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

whoy'e at my funeral singing about some dipstick named Danny Boy!

:))))) classic


wow :-D never expected that a couple joking parentheses would lead to a funeral march with musical accompaniment !


cheers guys...





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