
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Well friends,

I'm doing some kind of hangar these days. Definition attached is in the very early stages. I'll post the Full stuff in a couple(?) of days(?).

However...this $@^% Pline (use Saved View) when geared with a Tube me crazy (see alternative method to check points > (a) their order is 100% OK and (b) when applying an IntCurve on problem at all).

issue in isolation:

No problem with point order if an IntCurve is used:

WARNING: Tree8 is used (  )

Anyone brave enouph to find the cause of the PLine issue?

Moral: Karma, what else?

Best, Peter

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PS: Of course if you explode that ugly PLine thing and apply the Tube > no problem at all.

Moral: Karma

Hi Peter,

I don't see what you see in your screen shot. However, I do see some overlaps at each vertex.

This is probably struggling with the maths for the intersections at the sharp corners because as soon as you pass the stream through a Fillet component with the tinniest amount of radius and it all goes away.

This makes me think that there is nothing wrong about the PLine and it is all in the way the Pipe Component is behaving.

Hi Danny

Er...indeed you have a strong point...but what about the rest of PLines?  - or Pipes if you prefer (8good + 1bad = 9/3 = 3 per peripheral truss).

All 9 are bad at this end

Yikes! Not only that > bake fails as well

The only solution is to use  IntCurves instead of PLines (but nobody -sane- does trusses with bended tubes, at least for that type of "easy" geometry). 

add a fillet component with a radius of 0.001 and see what happens

Indeed...but to tell you the truth this is, in a way, a "false" alarm - at least with regard the real thing.


See this:

Back to the thread: The hangar in question is destined for some quite hot and humid environment...meaning a strong painting policy. Meaning that trusses should been designed in modules (like the interior "rigidity" ring in the above link).

This practically means that no PLine of any kind is scheduled for the parts of the whole: think individual modules that can be properly galvanized/protected - due to a reasonable overall size (I like Libert products on that matter) and then carefully bolted tohether.

This brings us toward the core of the matter: combining GH defs into GH defs (kinda a kind of nested definitions - not clusters) where lesser parametric "entities" compose gradually into the big thing. The interesting bit is that these "entities" MAY (or may not) contain nested "fixed" solids (like bolts, fasteners, gaskets, flanges, cats and dogs).

Generative Components can do it obviously (spot the detailed complex solid tensile membrane members, masts, anchor members etc etc) but it's so slow...better do it manually, he he.

I'll post my take on that puzzle soon (although not GH nor Rhino are designed with this kind of assembly/component approach in mind). 


Did some work more in GH confess that I fired up Generative Components (shame to me etc etc...but these things happen, he he).

The generic idea with regard the truss modules is this:

But the core of the matter is to invite parametric connecting assemblies (spot the levels of freedom in the attached translated Rhino demo file) into the party:

Anyway I have some extra weird ideas about how (in theory) GH could do that type of stuff (heavy nesting is the name of the game - although not in this case). In fact GH should be capable to interact with the parametric objects : just imagine searching what edge in a solid should be filleted etc etc.

Anyway, in this case a parametric connecting  assembly (2 variations) has 2 child (the canopy tube adapters duo) meaning a 2 degree of nesting depth.

I'll post some more elaborated stuff on that matter soon.

PS: translation is bad, no structures survived (not to mention some weird Level names).

Best, Peter



This is the full set of components required for the canopy/truss (cables tension the canopy tubes in order to avoid lateral forces to peripheral trusses).

unfortunately file is 9 MB !!!! (the full solution - ALL included - in Microstation is 2Mb) so I can't attach it here.

Of course this is not made in Rhino.

Anyway, here's a 3D PDF with the components in place. I would be interested if someone has any idea how to do similar stuff in GH.

PS: All rights: sections, measurements et all  (not available in Reader) are enabled in this PDF. Use the Model Tree in order to isolate any solid.


How made this 3D PDF??? or ..what do you used of softwar for creat this 3d pdf?


3D PDF output (they call it wrongly "printing") is integrated in Microstation (but not all Microstation animated (a lot) capabilities are supported - blame the SDK supplied by Adobe and/or the whole conception of the 3D PDF thing several years ago). Ray Bentley himself did the Microstation related algos.

Bentley MUST acquire the soonest possible the Act3D (Quest3D makers - Google that and discover the Truth Out There, he he). Not to mention that Quest is driven by a similar - with GH - visual programming API. Quest can export a 100K frame animation seconds (really !). Doing the same with the trad way (rendering frames, that is) you'll need several weeks.

Here's an animated example (just a Camera Actor follows a random NURBS closed path whilst targets a Target Actor who also follows a different closed path).


There is a Third Party Plug-in for Rhino that does 3D PDF "printing" from SimLab only $95





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