
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Attached file shows 3 different examples of how you can visualize the results from Honeybee/Ladybug mesh in 3D. The file is not as clean as it should be but I think the logic is easy enough to follow.

Here is the screen captures:

Option I

Option II

Option III

Views: 2022


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Hi everyone,

Thank you for a very interesting discussion!

I have a question to ask about how to display results in lines on countour planes. What I am asking is a bit different than what is achieved in this example I believe. Instead of visualizing the results from one plane (e.g. ground) to a 3D style I want to visualize the countour lines of different lux/DF values on the same plane that they were calculated.

What I want to achieve is a kind of volumetric daylighting analysis. I have a series of parallel contour planes, vertical to the ground surface, and I want to loft the countour lines of different levels between them in order to create volumetric boundaries of specific DF/Lux levels.

I am trying for a bit with  definition close to this one, but I don't think I am getting it right. Is this possible with this file? Or anyone has an example with any file for this?

Thanks so much in advance!

Kind regards,


Hi Theodore,

Current definition has what you need to create the case. You only need to make sure you data structure is put correctly so curved for the same value will be loft together. The result should be an interesting graph.


That is excellent thanks!

Will play around with it then in the afternoon. Will post results when I have them :)







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