
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all, 

I was just trying to contatenate some text together when this happened 
followed by this

I was wondering if someone knows how I can avoid this.

This is happening to a list of about 3000 elements.

In the same script, I have other concatenations processing 5000+ elements without any issues.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you.

Views: 798

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If it happens repeatedly, I'd love to see the file that reproduces this.

The only thing you can do to avoid this error is not use the Panel in this place. Panels don't usually add any functionality, so you don't technically need one. You could just get away with using a Text parameter instead. 

If the problem is repeatable then in all likelihood a bug will need to be fixed and a new version will need to be released that contains this fix. This will not happen for Rhino5, but there are still weekly releases of GH1 for Rhino 6/WIP.

Hi David, thank you for your kind response.

I have uploaded what isn't the exact file but a re-creation of it.

I simply created multiple items using series and through one layer of concatenation, finally to join text.

As you can see below, 2760 and 2759 is the threshold at which the error occurs for me.

This may be processor, RAM, or graphics card depended, so it may be different for each computer, so if you have a much more powerful computer, you may not see the error at the same point as I do. However, my guess is that if you increase the number, at some point you will get the error.

Thank you for your point about the panel, I understand that panels are just displays, however, here, I think the problem is in the JoinText, as the data that is fed in to the JoinText does not successfully concatenate with others.

Finally, seems like feeding a list with a large amount of items directly in to JoinText is also fine, however, using JoinText after concatenation leads to this error.

So possibly...JoinText and Concatenate don't like each other fully?

Please check my uploaded gh file.


I guess that answers the "how long is a piece of string?" question...

I can't get it to fail here, but GDI works differently on different platforms, so it's entirely possible that this bug was fixed in newer versions of Windows (I'm using Win10), or some other update. Are you running this on Rhino5 or Rhino6?

Given that the string which is being displayed is quite long, I'll have a look around the code to see if there's any string measuring code that isn't protected by exception handling code. 






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