
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, my name is Tomo.  I am working at one of the major firm in Tokyo. I am the first one who started using Mantis shrimp in my firm and trying to spread this so that RH based project can be into REVIT also.   That would be a paradigm shift to us.

I have been reading all af the trouble shooting forum/comment/instruction and I am pretty sure im doing right thing. only thing I cannot figure out is the placement of the files below.

I have been using mantis shrimp and am facing difficulty for reading .geo file. GH export seems to be fine. Dynamo side is not recognizing the .geo file somehow. my guess is the .py files are not correctly read.   where do I suppose to store .py files above?

Please kindly advise me.

Many thanks.

Views: 463

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I am not exactly sure what you did, but these files should never have ended up on your drive. Did you download the GitHub source? In that case, please delete all of that stuff because you won't need it. 

Go to Dynamo and use the Package Manager to install Mantis Shrimp. Then you just have to move the files from Extras folder (Grasshopper user objects) to Grasshopper User Objects folder. That process is explained here:

Thank you for the reply!!
Yes, I got them from the GitHub.

I deleted them but still have same error.
Yes, I followed the instruction correctly.

Is this something to do with the dynamo 0.9 thing?
In the py component I found the path was referring to 7.0 folder so I overwrite with 9.0 instead.

I really appreciate your help.
Many thanks.






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