
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am new to GH.

My thesis project is about space planning and learning from BIMethods I was able to create relationship to 7 modules so each one can be relocated differently to adjacent one and at the same one to the rest of 6 modules.

Trying to make the definition more realistic, I use PackRat plugin to define container envelop (as my footprint envelop) and basic constraints (like circulation, Mechanical, Elev., ..).

My first issue is PakRat needs container as geometry and while I assign a brep to that it turns to orange. if I deconstruct my brep with DeconstructBox and translate it again to X Y Z it work but, it change the scales. Dont know why that happens!

My second issue is, this definition is first about relationship between modules and then pack them in an envelop but, after applying PakRat it looks like all of defined relationship is overridden by random placement of boxes for arbitrary result.

I am in time constraint for my thesis project and any help would be highly appreciated.

Attached you can find my original definition and the one PakRat added with 1 screenshot of what happened for wrong scale.

Thanks a lot for your support.

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