
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Getting *soooo* bored fixing all the retina display issues for GH1 I had to do some proper coding today. Invented some basic sequence notation which allows for the generation of numeric sequences that self-reference in some way or other. Square brackets are used to specify older values in the sequence, ie. [n-1] equals the previous value, [n-5] is 5 values ago. [index] and [total] can be used to get the current value index and the sum-total of the entire sequence so far. Also, [n-?] + ... + [n-?] and [n-?] * ... * [n-?] allows for addition/multiplication of a range of values specified relative to the current value.

This will be available whenever the high-resolution-screen fixes are merged with RhinoWip.

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Comment by Birk Binnard on July 6, 2016 at 12:54pm

Very interesting...I have two 1920x1200 screens (GH on left, Rhino on right) and both run at 100% (default) text scaling. I've fussed with the text scaling factor before and completely agree with you - something is wonky there.  I did find that tweaking the Clear Type Text option improved my text a little bit, but my monitors are 2 different brands so they don't look exactly the same. Tweaking nVidia's Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma also helps a little.

My real objective is to just have more horizontal screen space so more (preferably all) of my GH layouts fit on the screen and are readable. I haven't been able to handle the icon names for GH objects, so I tend to need more screen space than others here.

5K screens at Amazon (US) are about double the price of the 4K ones, so I'll probably stick with my 4K choice - should still be a big improvement over my current 2K.

Comment by David Rutten on July 6, 2016 at 11:54am

I love my new 5k screen, but I have to say Windows is pretty bad at scaling up the UI. Especially since my secondary screen still runs the old-fashioned 2560x1440 resolution. A lot of applications are really bad at dealing with two screens that run at different scaling levels. So if you do go for a 5k screen, be prepared to be frustrated a lot for a few years to come.

Comment by Birk Binnard on July 6, 2016 at 10:18am

 Running Grasshopper1 on 5120x2880 @ 200% was an absolute nightmare a few weeks ago, but by now I've managed to fix the most important issues. 

Very helpful David - thanks. I'm seriously considering upgrading to a 28" 4K monitor (3840 x 2160 pixels) and was a bit concerned about how GH would work on that resolution. But now you've got me interested in in a 5K screen.  

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on July 6, 2016 at 6:33am

Hallo David,

do understand how you do it. It was more a whish for some extra functionality in case you are border with UI design again...

Comment by David Rutten on July 6, 2016 at 3:02am

Hi Richard, they're not necessarily Gauchy sequences, in fact all the examples in the image above tend to infinity. Note that this is not an analytic evaluator, all I'm doing to replacing [n-?] and [index] and [total] strings with numerical values based on the existing sequence. Essentially I'm just generating a series of numeric expressions that get evaluated one at a time.

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on July 6, 2016 at 2:30am

Hallo David, 

So thanks for OS X this is a nice tool, but maybe you could extend it and also output the limes (german, i think in englisch it is the limit of the function) of the function with n-> +infinity?

This would be very helpfull with other functions as well from time to time...


Comment by Bob McNeel on July 5, 2016 at 3:24pm

...but from a purely business perspective I would hope someone is considering the question.

That would be me. There are two parts of the question... is there a short term financial benefit? The answer is "Yes", but it is a bit distracting because supporting two platforms does require cleaning up old code that was developed 10+ years ago.

The second part... is there a long term financial benefit? The answer is "Who knows?" but we do think we will be in much better shape no matter which platform wins... Windows, Mac OS, iOS, cloud* OS, etc.

Comment by David Rutten on July 5, 2016 at 9:07am

[...] is the number of MAC users sufficient to justify the expenditure of valuable resources (David's time in this case) for developing and maintaining a MAC version?

Luckily that is not a question we have to answer, because I'm not developing or maintaining a Mac version. Some other McNeel programmers have taken the GH1 source and converted it to Mac, primarily to stress-test the new cross platform UI framework we're adopting in Rhino6 and beyond. When they started it wasn't even clear whether we'd ever release GH1 for Mac, because it might never become mature enough to be shippable. Luckily it turned out to be easier than expected and the port was deemed functional enough to be released publicly.

What I'm doing now (and have been doing for several months) is make GH1 high-resolution ready for Rhino6 on Windows. Since GH1 will be included in the Rhino6 product, and since we're promising that Rhino6 can handle high-resolution screens, these problems had to be addressed. I won't be able to make everything absolutely flawless on high res screens (or rather, nobody wants me to invest the amount of time it would take to get there), but the software needs to be usable.

Comment by Birk Binnard on July 5, 2016 at 8:28am

Hopefully I won't be starting a flame war, but I raised this same point a few weeks ago in a similar discussion about graphics issues with the development of a slicing program for 3D printing: is the number of MAC users sufficient to justify the expenditure of valuable resources (David's time in this case) for developing and maintaining a MAC version?

Clearly we end users cannot answer this question (the people who know don't tell, and the people who tell don't know), but from a purely business perspective I would hope someone is considering the question.

Comment by David Rutten on July 5, 2016 at 5:21am

Well, when I say "retina" I'm really just talking about any 5k screen which uses a scaling factor. Running Grasshopper1 on 5120x2880 @ 200% was an absolute nightmare a few weeks ago, but by now I've managed to fix the most important issues. 





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