
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A description of developments in kite energy systems and how design is progressing in terms of grasshopper parametrics

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Comment by roderick read on February 8, 2013 at 1:36pm

It's an awesome project, Taking over my life to quite an extent. But I fully recommend anyone interested in green energy check it out. The biggest collection of data on Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) is the

A random element and feedback to the fader... hmmm good idea. might work on that.

I am only planning to develop basic animation features at the moment ... the main focus just now, is having a likely looking / well proportioned / perfect fit model for a test site. Once the physical response characteristics are more accurately mapped, I'll be looking to develop a more accurate, physical model.

Another key at the moment is blurting out as many good innovative ideas as possible online under a creative commons 3.0 open source hardware license.

Comment by Mark Foxworth AIA, LEED AP on February 8, 2013 at 8:36am

I was actually playing around trying to make an oscillator in Grasshopper and had forgotten about the 2 way Fader component.  I haven't played with it but that's exactly what I was attempting to create.  With a little work you could feed random data and jitters into it to create a more realistic "wind noise".  You could create a variable range so that the lower the value the more "light breezy it is" and the higher the value the more "heavy wind storm" the effect is.  

Have you tried the Firefly timer component to update the MIDI values yet?  Again, I have had time, but I think that should solve the problem (I was having the same problem).  I also think I'm going to add a button to simulate a "MIDI panic" that would set all values to "0" just in case I needed that.

By the way, I think this is a great project you are working on.

Comment by roderick read on February 7, 2013 at 3:41pm

Just found the firefly fader component... is that the same as your LFO function?

Comment by Mark Foxworth AIA, LEED AP on February 6, 2013 at 3:45pm

Hey, does your MIDI controller have built in LFO capability?  Mine does, but I haven't played with it.  The reason I ask, is that you could use it to animate the wind gusts.  The ribbon controller on my device, for example, slowly decays back down to zero when you let go (the decay time can be adjusted).  It's cool to watch Grasshopper animate this way.  If you have an LFO you could have your device send MIDI values (0 to 127 and back down to 0) and watch the kite flutter.  I suppose you could accomplish the same thing just using HoopSnake in GH too.


Comment by roderick read on January 30, 2013 at 4:02am

Actually I do intend to get some simplified distance from point and gravity / attraction vector to affect relaxed meshes with kangaroo or other ... eventually, we'll see how that goes though

Comment by roderick read on January 30, 2013 at 3:56am

building one and testing it. Lets face it rope, webbing, sewing and ripstop are not too expensive. Thing is too ... these can be scaled and layered massively ... and still you don't have the cubic mass scalling laws getting in the way so much... update vid

Comment by djordje on January 30, 2013 at 3:52am

Very interesting project Roderick! I like it.
How are you going to simulate wind thrust on those kites?

Comment by roderick read on January 29, 2013 at 8:08am
I have a vastly improved model now, with bridling options and meshes for the sail squares




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