
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Andres Gonzalez's Comments

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At 10:14am on December 10, 2009, uldooz said…
Hi Mr Gonzaleze.Thanks a million for your attention.Thanks a million for your attention. Would you mind introduce a perfect tutorial for rhino.
Best regards
At 4:59am on November 21, 2009, Dr Behrang Eghbali said…
tnx, nice to meet you!
At 2:19pm on November 18, 2009, uldooz said…
I am from IRAN.I graduated from azad university in Tabriz.I work on topological surface.
At 7:24am on November 13, 2009, Ana Lila Lizárraga Osuna said…
Hola! Te esperamos de regreso en León! Ojalá puedas venir a darnos el curso de fabricación cuando lleguen las máquinas... En cuanto tenga fotos del evento te las mando, lástima que no hubo ninguna con los chocolates! :D

At 7:17am on November 13, 2009, Mitzi Donají said…
Si! ya somos más... cuando regresas a darnos un curso super master de Grasshopper?!

Gracias!!! SaLuDos!
At 1:06pm on October 27, 2009, Pablo Kobayashi said…
Gracias Andres,

Espero que nos veamos cuando andes por acá para platicar.

Saludos y un gusto.
At 11:26am on September 18, 2009, MARIO VERGARA said…
que interesante el evento en bogoto....manda fotos de los resultados!!!
At 7:59pm on June 19, 2009, veronica arcos said…
los modelos son de carton
At 7:49pm on June 19, 2009, veronica arcos said…
Los trabajos que viste en mi blog son proyectos que he hecho con mis estudiantes hace un tiempo atras...los de las fotos se hicieron con paracloud y los videos con rhino y 3dmax....en ese tiempomno existia gh, que en mi opinion es mucho mas potente. Conversemos, a ver si podemos colaborar.
At 2:21pm on May 19, 2009, Thomas Wingate said…
Optimization of material use - even with all the good nesting algorithms around it is till a bit of an art to lay out your parts to avoid vacuum loss, prevent vibration, etc. Did some work with a furniture maker in London who do a lot of this. One thing they are doing which is quite clever is to have a collection of small products that they can use to 'fill' and balance sheets for larger products. Still, nesting done mostly by hand though.
At 1:44pm on May 19, 2009, Thomas Wingate said…
Could you elaborate on the Optimization part of the D-O-F? To what depth will people go into optimization, and what types of optimizations are we talking about?





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