
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Thanks to Fabrizio De Paolis for providing the basics on how to make solid Voronoi cutouts.

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Comment by Graham Sutch on September 4, 2016 at 8:11pm

Thank you v much for your message Birk v kind of you to reply with such valuable information on a subject I'm just setting out to learn, thank you so much :)


Comment by Birk Binnard on September 3, 2016 at 4:34am

Thanks Graham, I'm glad you like the part. Fabrizio did not make a tutorial; he posted a message here asking for some help with making Voronoi cutouts on a bracelet shape. I replied with an update to his GH file that did this - he actually had almost all the right GH components, just not connected in the correct way.

I don't know how to search this forum for specific posts, but maybe you do.  At any rate, his bracelet shape was much more complex than the bowl shape above, the the solution I gave him might not be too useful for simpler shapes like above. In fact, I was able to streamline the GH components a fair amount to make the part I actually printed.

If you want to print this yourself you can find the STL file here: along with some other examples that use the same approach.

The basic method is pretty straightforward: map a Voronoi cell structure onto a surface (the outside). Scale the surface down a bit to make the inside. Run the Voronoi curves in pairs (inside & outside) to make ruled surfaces. These are the insides if the cutouts. 

For parts like this I discovered that the final shape is extremely sensitive to very small changes in several parameters. It is very easy to generate a shape that is very strange and clearly non-printable. Things like the seed for the original Voronoi, the fillet value and/or the amount of offset used to make the curved shapes, and the thickness of the walls can (and do) make major changes to the final result.  I fussed with these values for quite a while before I got something that looked good to me. 

Comment by Graham Sutch on September 3, 2016 at 1:34am

hi there, love your design. May i ask where the Fabrizio De Paolis tutorial is on the basics of how to do this?  many thanks, gra

Comment by Fabrizio De Paolis on August 22, 2016 at 11:04am

Really nice dude!!!

Comment by Sim Pern Chong on August 20, 2016 at 8:20pm

Nice design




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