
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Swarm[al] Morphology 04 [Swarm Variation]

Project: Swarm[al] Morphology
Designer: Evan Emery
School: Southern California Institute of Architecture: Advanced Code Form
Instructor: Satoru Sugiara

Through the use of swarming logic developed as a form of biomimicry, the code becomes a form generator. Within this system the abstraction of form and formal networks allows for both an architectural-ization and articulation of data. This data is then abstracted and represented through animation to form ephemeral feeling. The growing lines velocity is proportional the the aforementioned biomimicry.The code itself becomes part of the design process, allowing the manipulation of data to alter the final formal logic.

Processing code that mimics swarm of birds chasing prey. As they develop lines are drawn between their positions . The sphere representing the bird changes scale to mimic the flapping wings. Also each biod's mass and scale is randomly generated between a range of values to give differentiation to each member of the swarm.

Through UDP the processing swarm was input into grasshopper in real time. This allows for a mesh to be developed between attractors. The mesh creates clusters that represent nodes of density. Between each node the abstracted lines connected the localized formal logic.

For anyone interested you can download the code here:

There is a readme.txt file that explains how to run everything.
If for some reason the link breaks in the future, let me know and I will repost it.

Video 01 Swarm:
Video 02 UDP :

Credits: All code written from i.Geo library developed by Satoru Sugiara please support him here:
Library and tutorials for i.Geo can be found here:

Views: 2209


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Comment by Alinaqvi on January 14, 2016 at 9:45am

i want help to run a grasshopper file, i installed  all necessary library but it doesnt show any thing. 

Comment by Evan Emery on May 27, 2015 at 4:04pm


I have update the Dropbox, you should be able to access the files now. 

Comment by Todd on May 23, 2015 at 12:56am

Hi Evan,

Love the work. Can't seem to access the dropbox link to the source code. Is there any possibility I could ask for the project files for further exploration?

Hope to hear from you soon.



Comment by Evan Emery on October 30, 2014 at 3:37am


I have updated the post to include a download to the source files. If for some reason you can not see the link it is :

Let me know if you have any questions regarding the script.

Comment by Jessica Hall on October 26, 2014 at 10:22pm

Hi Evan! 

The diagrams you've shared are beautiful.  Thank you so much! I am beginning research into swarm logic and was also wondering if I could see your files? Thanks

Comment by Evan Emery on May 27, 2014 at 1:46am

Ramzi and anyone else interested in swarm logic should check out this tutorial for the iGeo library. Also make sure to look into the boid algorthm developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986.

Comment by Ramzi on May 10, 2014 at 10:56pm

 Thank you for sharing with us that want to learn more  I am in the process of trying to understand swarm behavior, I have a good background in grasshopper but not so much in Processing, I have used it a couple times. I want to understand the process/logic of generating this kind of script, if you have any information or suggestions please let me know. my email is

Comment by Evan Emery on March 19, 2014 at 3:28pm

For anyone interested you can download the code here:

There is a readme.txt file that explains how to run everything.

If for some reason the link breaks in the future, let me know and I will repost it.

Comment by Evan Emery on March 19, 2014 at 2:07pm

Dillon + Jasmin, I sent you both all of the files via email.

Comment by Dillon Pranger on March 19, 2014 at 12:52pm


Great work!! Is it possible to get a copy of the files sent to me? I am working on theoretical data organization in Manhattan using flocking.





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