
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by Jørn Lambertsen on July 1, 2014 at 1:45pm

Very Nice!

Comment by Jeliszej Korcsak on March 19, 2013 at 3:19am

The expression is "-b" (this way I have a circle moved up and an other moved down by equal amount).

And a thing to add: You should set the "P" parameter of the IntCrv component to "true" (for the curve to be periodical).

To tell you the truth, this definition works fine with a trefoil knot, but suddenly i became unsure that for an 8 cross knot it will be the exact result you want. Maybe some new points will have to be added (on a new circle) to get the needed "weaving" of curves you expect.

Maybe this explanation of the principal will help you:

You need to create a guide point for every "corner" and for every "crossing".

To achieve the result you posted earlier, you have to create an outer circle with points for the outside "corners" of your shape. Also you should create a circle with a smaller radius for the intersection point (two points for each intersection, for the curve to go above and below each other) and then the inner circle for the next bunch of intersections (also two points above each other for each intersection).

After that you only have to figure out the right order to interconnect them.

I hope I do not sound too smartass, and actually all this helps you :)

Comment by Ayuna Mitupova on March 18, 2013 at 2:47pm

thank u !!! for reply and def. but i do something wrong.. i cant get as it supposed to be i quess?   what  is the expression u write  in the beginning for a domain?

Comment by Jeliszej Korcsak on March 18, 2013 at 7:22am

Here, I made you a quick definition for the basic curve so that you don't have to wait :)

Comment by Jeliszej Korcsak on March 18, 2013 at 5:57am

Hi! Yes, the base geometry is a trefoil knot.

And yes, i do have some ideas about how to create knots like these.

Actually the first thing to do, is to create the base geometry from a curve. And it is pretty easy to construct "thickness" on this base curve.

The base curve itself is made from evaluated points on simple circles connected in the right order. The more points you create, the more "folds/knots" you create.

The actual definition I can show you when I get home tomorrow maybe. :)

Comment by Ayuna Mitupova on March 13, 2013 at 7:57am

HEY!  could u show the definition? this is  a trefoil knot, correct ?   do u know how is it possible to create a more like 8 cross torus knot?





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