
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Today, architects and designers are using digital fabrication to create amazing complex structures and geometries. But often we forget about the material waste, putting the idea in front of the matter, which is used to embody this idea.
This project is aimed at researching the ways of creating a certain design, while taking into account material dimentions to minimize its waste.
Final result is an array of modular grills, placed below the ceiling, forming a wavy, light-diffusing screen that is aesthetically pleasant to the eye.

P.S. Greatly inspired by:

Views: 175


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Comment by djordje on December 16, 2012 at 4:17am

Thank you for the reply.
Very nice photo detail, once again.

Comment by Artyom Maxim on December 15, 2012 at 8:36pm
Yes, djordje, it's exactly like you said. The plastic clamp detatches easily when the glue gets dry.
Comment by djordje on December 15, 2012 at 5:55pm

Artyom what is this detail?
These two cardboard pieces are glued and then connected with this clothespin, until the glue gets dry?




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