
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Traditional pattern applied to non regular valence mesh. If you look carefully there are 5, 6, 7 pointed stars.

Trying to give the formal tessellation a bit more of an organic fluidity.

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Comment by pouria khodarahm on September 6, 2016 at 11:07pm

thanks a lot Nike.

best wishes

Comment by Nick Tyrer on September 5, 2016 at 7:53am

@Pouria. Thank you.

The logic is fairly simple; You need to understand the underlying rules/logic of the pattern/tessellation that you want. Break down what ever pattern/tessellation you want into its simplest tessellation. So in this case the entire pattern is made of triangles. (you can see on my print that if you draw a triangle between a star and two neighbours, you can see the exact same simple pattern repeats in each triangle. So you just need to create the same pattern in each triangle.

There is alot of different methods and documentation around for how to create different patterns and tessellations.

Comment by pouria khodarahm on September 3, 2016 at 11:47pm

Hi Neck. so beautiful. I checked your website and saw your fantastic sphere design.

I have recently started jewellery design with rhino and grasshopper. How can i learn to design like this sphere?

thanks a lot

Comment by Nick Tyrer on May 13, 2016 at 2:40am

Thanks Ben. Appreciate it. I taught myself, though it was a while ago now. At the time, the best intro videos were But they are pretty out of date now. I have put some more recent video links below.

Generally, i would recommend mastering 'meshes'. I didn't really appreciate them for a long time, but i feel since I have got to grips with it, it really makes everything alot easier. Especially if you wish to 3d print, but it also helps with more exciting plugins like Kangaroo.

Christopher McAdams -

Comment by ben Fruehling on May 12, 2016 at 9:00am

I checked out your webpage, and enjoyed your work.  What resources helped the most when learning to make this, or the previous pieces you have made?

Comment by Nick Tyrer on May 12, 2016 at 3:21am

Its 3d printed. We have a plaster powder based printer. Its very accurate, and doesn't require any kind of scaffold print, which makes life alot simpler. The disadvantage is that its quite fragile, and has a grainy texture.

Comment by Birk Binnard on May 9, 2016 at 3:08pm

What method was used to make this? 3D printing?  Injection molding? 





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