
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

mosque dome

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Comment by deniz yazici on April 7, 2011 at 7:04am

The Mosque project, which has done for the competition organized by the Municipality of Kayseri in memory of '' Sinan the Great '' , is a proposal which is trying understand what the modern mosque might be. Main concept is simplifying the religious space by analysing the traditional mosque concept.. By doing this we tried to descend deeper into the interpretation of spatial thinking. The Mosque contains two different layers, first layer is a mesh facade which is covering the gap between courtyard and main space, and the second is a solid concrete cube.

In the main space there are several pipes with different shapes and size which act as a tectonic dome. These pipes also have different functions such as ventilation, lighting and 
acoustic. By creating a tectonic architecture component with pipes, we aim to make users feel like they are under a unique dome.

The coutyard which supports the main space is integreted with both natural and artifical elements. The purpose of using natural items in the courtyard is creating a buffer point between urban space and religious space.

Comment by Arthur Mamou-Mani on February 9, 2011 at 11:07am
Nice! Could you say a bit more about this project?





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