
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Originally inspired by Nervous's Seed Lamp

The form is derived from a physics based mesh growth, while also being constrained to original surface, creating buckling.

I experimented with many different texture effects. In the end I decided i liked the idea of the outer surface being eroded smooth. With the articulate texture protected within folds.

Full GH (Kangaroo - Meshmachine - Weaverbird - Millipede)

Views: 865


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Comment by Site Dead on December 10, 2015 at 5:12pm


what have you created now!

SMH. :)

Comment by Nick Tyrer on December 10, 2015 at 11:53am

Alright stranger! Yes I agree inner texture is better, its definitely better to touch. I didn't realise it would work so well as its tiny (<1mm). I'm not going to reprint this one, but i will utilise that effect again sometime.

Comment by Jak Drinnan on December 10, 2015 at 10:56am

Awesome! Love the inner texture. Should try flipping the texture to the outside too....

Comment by Nick Tyrer on December 10, 2015 at 10:25am

Thanks Hunter,

I am very interested in RD, I have been looking into it for a stadium project I am working on, so once i get a bit more accomplished with it, i will probably do a print. But in this instance I didn't want to carbon copy the nervous lamp (haha just 75% copy). So instead i used a physics based approach to find initial form, from a discussion a few months ago;

I will check out your images.

Comment by Hunter F on December 10, 2015 at 10:01am

Wow. I want to touch that texture.

Are you interested in reaction-diffusion? It would make the surface more like bumpy coral/brain instead of a thin-wall balloon. Laurent Delrieu actually helped out on that too.

Here's the link to the most updated .gh I know of online, but I have a lot of overbuilt sketches as well if you're interested (check out my photos).





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