
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

For "2016 YUMI KATSURA Grand Collection in Tokyo" 16th Feb.

This is my first released project with grasshopper! I'm a product designer so It's also the first time work with fashion industry.

When it's on the model , 3D printer ; Nylon material three times (or more?)
looks nicer. :)

Views: 195

Location: Tokyo, Japan


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Comment by Magali on March 21, 2023 at 2:35am

Boomf is the best way to make a stunning greeting that will amaze your friends or family. We guarantee you'll love them and everyone will want one too. They're so beautiful and elegant and it's so easy to make over this link. Boomf are perfect for any occasion, from a birthday to a thank you card.

Comment by Nico Rocky on March 4, 2023 at 12:29pm

Oh yeah, my sister's wedding didn't work out recently either. But you know what, she accepted it calmly, talks to a psychologist and reads articles on Life is very unpredictable and you have to be prepared for any twists and turns of fate, especially when it comes to relationships.





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