hen the each element of the corresponding X branch list will be repeated 6 times >> basically the output list would have the same structure of the input Xlist but instead of having only one item per branch I would have 6 items per branch >>
{0,0}N=6, {0,1}N=6, {0,2}N=6 ... {0,15}N=6,
{1,0}N=15, {1,1}N=15, {1,2}N=15 ... {0,15}N=15.
I made a quick example of my problem, here attached.
wunderbar ^^* !
maybe you would be interested in Jun Mitani's work ?
www.flickr.com/photos/jun_mitani/mitani.cs.tsukuba.ac.jhe published two books (keyword : 三谷 純)立体ふしぎ折り紙
ふしぎな 球体・立体折り紙
with 10 ordered curves. These in turn are to be interated in a move slider( 10 vectors).
As I plug these 3 new grafts in the move slider though, these curves all iterated 10 times (100 curves total) instead of being lifted one at a time.