
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



TopOpt is a Grasshopper tool and a research platform for the implementation of experimental topology optimization procedures targeted towards architectural design of structures.
Developed by the Technical University of Denmark, Israel Institute of Technology and Aarhus School of Architecture,  TopOpt for Grasshopper provides a number of optimization methodologies that extends currently available methods based on the 99-line MATLAB code for basic mechanical topology optimization provided by prof. Ole Sigmund of DTU.
The current alpha-release features 2d topology optimization based on the interactive optimization app developed for iOS and Android; topology optimization of continuum structures with tension and compression prioritization; and dual material topology optimization for optimization of composite structures with materials of varying properties.
Interactive visualization, 3d-optimization and further methodological extensions will be included in coming updates

Members: 105
Latest Activity: Nov 20, 2023

Discussion Forum

Discretization Settings

Thanks for the nice plug in!I have been working on the utilization of the Topology Optimization method for the design for fused deposition manufacturing (extrusion based 3d printing). So I need to be…Continue

Started by asyimut Mar 20, 2017.

TopOpt 3D?

I was looking for a TO solution for 3D structures with dynamic load capability.  I see there is a 2D version, will there be a 3D version soon?Continue

Started by Stephan Park Jan 28, 2017.

Problems with TopOpt 4 Replies

Hi,I am just running through the tutorials (1st simple beam set-up) and when trying to run the solver I get an error "1. Solution exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object."I…Continue

Started by Richard Tsai. Last reply by Richard Tsai Aug 26, 2015.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Ivan Avdic on March 22, 2019 at 1:56pm

Hello everyone,

I am trying to download TopOpt II but the link seems to be broken. Is it possible to acquire the plugin in an alternative way?


Comment by Charles Fried on November 30, 2018 at 5:59am

Food4Rhino link is broken, does anyone have an alternative?

Comment by asyimut on April 20, 2018 at 8:54am

Where is topOpt II ?

Comment by AJ on December 29, 2016 at 3:20am

hi all

is there a way to use this component as a 3d mesh optimizer followed by external forces (material stress and shape simulation)?


Comment by Oded Amir on April 5, 2016 at 1:03pm

Hi William,

In principle it should be possible. Just remember that the plugin uses a continuum representation so you won't get an exact "truss"-type structure, but more free-form.

If you would like a clear separation between levels (e.g. floors) then I suggest to use a fixed solid region in those levels.

Beyond that, the location of the loads will essentially determine the layout of the structure.

Let me know if you need more help - we can continue discussing via email.


Comment by William H on April 1, 2016 at 9:33am

Is it possible to use TopOpt to design a multi-story truss with loads at each level? I have attached a sketch. Please advise. Thank you! 

Comment by Oded Amir on November 1, 2014 at 7:57am


You can try the modules TenCom.1Mat and TenCom.2Mat for that purpose. The former will distribute one material which has preference towards either tension or compression - this is governed by the parameter "ratio". For concrete, ratio=5 or ratio=10 work well - you get a layout with prioritization towards compression.

You can find some examples in the tutorial pages, or contact me directly for further details...

Good luck


Comment by Sam75 on October 31, 2014 at 2:51pm

Hi and thanks for your app.

I need to know if it works with compression only for things like concrete or is it designed for metals only ?

Comment by dana maier on September 26, 2014 at 1:21pm

Hi Thibault, thank you for the positive feedback - I'm happy to hear this looks useful :)

We're bouncing codes back and forth between babysitting at the moment, so progress is a bit jerky, but we should be able to round it off soon.

Asbjørn told me about a cool TO-project you are doing with fabric formwork with the students, I'd love to see images from that. He also mentioned you had some questions on the outputs of the plugin - we should talk on that :)

Comment by Thibault Schwartz on September 25, 2014 at 4:05am

Hi Dana,

As I told Asbjorn at AAG, I am really impressed and cannot wait to use topopt 2! Amazing work!


Members (105)





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