
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Lines. Shapes. Iterations. Parameters. Components. Random designs. Creativity. This and more is what students get when they play with SudoHopper3D.

“You cannot teach today the same way you did yesterday to prepare students for tomorrow.” -John Dewey

Very early in life, humans develop a natural curiosity about pretty much everything, from how things work, to their surrounding world and its shapes. They try to figure out and identify these shapes right from the start, even when they can barely see.

By pure instinct, humans try to solve all problems--from the simplest one-step problems to very complex ones that have infinite solutions. There is an endless array of possibilities where each student grows and experiences their own freedom.

Location: McNeel Miami
Members: 10
Latest Activity: Dec 21, 2023

Discussion Forum

where is the PDF download for the cards? 1 Reply

where is the PDF download for the cards?

Started by William H. Last reply by William H Oct 8, 2018.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Terry Austin on December 4, 2023 at 4:09am

I'm enjoying found this materials. Now I'm also working on my capstone project at the moment. It proved to be a really challenging task for me, so I decided to seek assistance from this source I've discovered that approaching tasks in this way enables me to complete them quickly and move on to other tasks.

Comment by Morgan Rohla on July 19, 2022 at 3:38am

Students Construct a Cool Reflective Pavilion is an interactive lesson plan that helps children to understand the concept of reflection. This lesson plan will also help students to learn about the four basic elements and how they interact with each other. Reading article is suggested for the students. The students are asked to build a pavilion using cardboard boxes and mirrors. Students will be able to learn about the reflective properties of these materials, which can help them in their future projects.


Members (10)






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