
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

It has come to my attention that the twitter plugin was not working.

If you were getting the following error: "Solution exception:The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send."

Please re-download and install Mosquito and try again.


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Hi Carson.

I downloaded the  Mosquito folder and replaced the components on the grasshopper component folder. I Still get the error: "Solution exception:The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send."

Should I uninstall the mosquito version I had installed first? Is so… what is the best way to do it?

Let me make sure the download is working.... Where are you downloading Mosquito from?

Did you try restarting rhino? I know it sounds silly, but....

It all seems to be working on my side.

Yes, DELETE the old files from your components folder and drop in the new files:

Let me know if that fixes the problem.


NOTE: You must restart Rhino for the new plugins to load.

Its working Fine, the Facebook component is missing but the twitter component is working fine.

Thanks so much

David C. 

Great! glad its working :)

Yes, you are correct.

Facebook went private with the API and last I looked into it. They had change their policies (now that the planet is hooked on their platform). They now want to be paid for access to data that belongs to the public. So I removed the plugin. 

Maybe its open again, I'm not sure, I will have to check.







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