
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all , 

I'm working hardly to finish my master's thesis , but stuck in the case study's energy simulation . I'm trying to have air temperature charts of building zones & don't have problem with the main building but when I'm connecting the outer kinetic facade the simulation stops as in the attached pic .

I made the outer facade as a zone as a first trail  & couldn't have results . and made as shading device as second trail but can't have results also . so I need to know what is the problem with my file ? 

note : 

I need to have results when the facade closed & 50% opened & 100%opened . so it's important to make the outer facade a part of the main building . 

 If any one can help me so please find attached my case study file .& Thank you In advance :)


Mona Rezq 

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Hi Chris , 

This case was a trail to deal with the facade as a shading device to have simulation results , but you solved the problem with  other file that I considered the facade and the surrounding space as a thermal zone , so thank you .



Hi Chris & all , 

Hope you are well , I tried to set up another unit for the kinetic facade of my case study , but still have some problems the simulation didn't run correctly as shown in the screen shot no 01 , there are some missing elements from the facade after linking the outer facade with the energy simulation .

Please find attached the new file

Thank you



Hi Mona,

Sorry for getting back so late.  In the future, you will have a better chance of others getting back to you fast here if you can upload a file with just the specific problem that you are having.  I still can't understand all that you are trying to simulate in this new file but the one thing that I can tell you is that this is not a valid zone that you can plug into an energy simulation:

Zones are closed breps/polysurfaces that represent volumes of well-mixed air (like a room).  It might be worthwhile for you to go through the EnergyPlus tutorial videos that I put up:

I know that just 2 days of a workshop is a very short time to go over all of EnergyPlus.  With these videos, you can pause and re-watch stuff so that you can learn it over longer periods of time.


Hi Chris , 

Thanks for your reply , Thanks to GOD I finished my Thesis using the old file you edited before . I watched these videos before but I know that there are more about honeybee & lady bug to learn and understand . may be after presenting my Thesis research I will begin to study hard :)

Thank you for every thing & it was an honor to meet you at Rome and I learned a lot from you and Mostapha . Hope to meet you again :)

wish you all the best , 



Glad to hear that things turned out well for your thesis.  I know that it takes a while to get the hang of HB Energy modeling components and there are a lot of assumptions that I have grown used to that I take for granted.  Keep us posted if you have other issues and congratulations on getting your thesis in.

Hope to see you again too,






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