
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey there! I am looking for a plugin of Grasshopper that is able to make a simulation of the temperature on the external walls, roofs and streets of my 3D model of a group of 16 buildings. In other words I need a tool that would take as input an epw file and the 3D model (surfaces and materials) and that would give as output the temperature distribution on the 3D model in Rhino. 

What I managed to do till now is the radiation map with the Diva plug-in of Grasshopper (see the attachment), which is lovely but what I need is something exactly as colourful as that but in a temperature scale (possibly Celsius °C).

Does anybody know if that would be possible in Ladybug or Honeybee?

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Honeybee is the tool you are looking for, but you'll need to perform energy simulations. The temperature on the surfaces depends on many aspects, including wall materials, interior performance and more.

Look at the hydra site for examples on this.



Abraham is spot on.  Here is an example showing how to get surface temperatures out of Honeybee EnergyPlus runs:

You can also get full temperature maps that compte MRT and account for sun directly falling onto occupants using the microclimate components:


Thanks a lot guys I will definetly check this out!

Hey Chris,

Thanks I think that this is exactly what I was looking for!

I tried to run the microclimate map at the second link you posted and I left a post on that page. I guess I had a problem with the zone acquisition.


See attached for a working version.

Just updated it.



Thank you, Abraham.  You saved me some time with running the update.  I just updated the download link at the hydra page to have your file.

I apologize that all of my hydra files are not up to date.  I'll do another sweeping update after the next stable release of LB+HB.


Thankyou Abram!! It works and this is exactly the kind of thermal simulation that I needed!

I have added this "setRADMaterials" in the DEFINE ZONE section (attachment - 1 screenshot..09.59.28) of Chris' Microclimate Map, because I need to process the simulation including the information about the materials of my buildings. The simulation runs but I cannot find any differences in the result betweeen very low avarage diffuse reflectance and very high avarage diffuse reflectance materials (last two attachments). If you look at the pictures they are identical but they come from two different simulations with completely different materials, it seems that the material has not been processed at all. Do you guys think that what I did makes sense or that I should add the material somewhere else? 

Thanks agian,



You are using Radiance materials instead of E+'s. They are not effective/used for thermal simulations.

So no wonder you don't see any differences between the alternatives.


Ok thanks Abraham it makes sense, I did not know that. I tried to add the EP material as you said, I did not find the equivalent of the "setRADMaterials" for EPMaterials though. The closest I could find is the "setEPZoneCnstr" that you can see in red in the screenshot attached. The problem is that it seems that this component doesn't work, I tryed to put other components with the same input and output and it works with them, but apparently my "setEPZoneCnstr" doesn't work even if I toggle true the honeybee update component, it will anyway stay red as it is in the picture and say that the HBzone is not defined..

What do you guys think is the problem? Is there a way to redownload that particular component? Or is there a better one I could use for this purpose? 

I attached also the .gh file that I am working on and the Rhino model, so that you can may be try yourself on your laptop, just to understand, if there is a problem with that component in this version of honeybee, or if it is just a problem on my laptop.



Solved! I changed the name of the input parameter of the setEPZoneCnstr called "_HBZone" in "_HBZones" and now the component works! :) Could it be a bug in the honeybee? Anyway my problem is that now the simulation gets stuck at this component (attachment) .. Does anybody know why?? 

Btw I am not sure anymore at this point that the "setEPZoneCnstr" is the right component to add the material to my geometry. I noticed that all the parameters of setEPZoneCnstr are like this:


instead of :


Does it mean that they need as a input just a toggle true to enable them? and how can I add the material then? 







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