
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone

 thank you for helping and responses 

I'm trying to do some simple energy plus stimulation with honeybee. but when I run the component, I face with this error :

1. The simulation has not run correctly because of this severe error:
** Severe ** GetSurfaceData: Potential "OtherZoneSurface" is not matched correctly:

1. The simulation has failed because of this fatal error:
** Fatal ** GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates.

I check the idf file, and I believe, I assign every thing right. I cant realize why this happening. would you plz take a look at the file bellow and let me konw what the problem is..  

I really appreciate all the help.

Thank you,


Views: 644


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Hi Mehrnaz,

I took a look at your model. I have following observations that I would suggest you look into.

1. Your air wall surfaces are partly inside the zone and partly outside the zone. I would recommend you assign them EP construction as per exposure.

2. Your surfaces for Roof and Floor overlap.

3. Surface Type "Roof" is assigned to many floors

I have not looked further than checking how you prepare your geometry. So the root of error may not be the way you have assigned surfaces. However, to follow a good modeling practice I would suggest you address these issues.



thank Devang for your helping...

you're right , but when I use solve adjacency component all this individual  roof surface redefined again to the floor and the air walls located inside the model.. after i use the solve adjacency component,i check this issue with honeybee label zone component and all the surface type assign correctly 





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