
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to quantify a gain in kWh for a solar PV array that is in fixed position over an array that is on a retractable armature? I am looking to see if there is any significant benefit to investing into a system that would track Sun throughout the year, vs just doing a fixed panel system. 

I think the rule of thumb is that a fixed system gets roughly 70% of available sun vs. a system that can track sun would allow to collect 100%. I am not sure how that translates to actual dollar amounts so I would like to do a study to prove/disapprove this rule. 

Any suggestions would be welcome. Cheers! 

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Hi Kondrad,

Thank you for the attached files.
Check the attached definition below. Small python component will replicate the area of your circular surface to rectangular surface and calculate systemSize_ for it.
The annual output that you are looking for are the same previous ones at the very right of the definition ("tracker PV (kWh per year)" and "fixed PV (kWh per year)").


Thanks a lot! 

This seems about right now. The conclusion would be to give up the idea for a tracking system at this size since the $$$ savings are not enough to justify this sort of investment and instead just make sure that Tilt and Azimuth are optimal. :-) This assumption is based on actual kWh * cost of electricity (.23 dirham or $0.06 / kWh). Thanks for help!


Very interesting conclusion Konrad!!
Thank you for posting it!






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