
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

i am having a look more or less for the first time to the Photovoltaic tools and i would like to ask you some questions to clarify the component and their use:

- what is the difference between the tools in honeybee and the ones in Ladybug?

- Few weeks ago i got an error and i found out it was a bug( Has it been fixed?

Thanks a lot in advance


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Hi Claudia,

Ladybug Photovoltaics components are based on NREL PVWatts model.
Honeybee Photovoltaics components are based on Energy plus model.

I am sure the author of Honeybee Photovoltaics will help you with your bug.

Hi Claudia, It should be fixed if you're using a newer version than June 10. Let us know if you can regenerate the error.

Hi Mostapha,

thanks a lot for your quick reply and for your work with HoneyBee!

I have just updated the components (mostly manually) and i still have this error:

"1. Solution exception:extractPoints() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)" which i don`'t understand.

Do you know what could it be?

Thanks a lot in advance


You need to update all the components. The error is because of version discrepancy.

Therise one other difference, which is that the Ladybug components are stable and currently out of the WIP section while the Honeybee ones still need a bit more time to be developed. As such, I would use the Ladybug components if you need something stable at the moment. We are switching over to developing the OpenStudio component as opposed to the E+ exporter in the next few months. Hopefully, Anton will do the OpenStudio implementation in a manner that fixes a lot of the known bugs


Thanks a lot for your advice!

I will try then to use those component from LadyBug!

Thanks again to all


Hi Claudia,

If you downloaded the Ladybug Photovoltaics components and/or examples files today, please do that again.
I have just updated both of these to the latest versions.
I apologize if this caused you any inconveniences.





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