
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wanna simulate a midpane blind in honeybee, but Honeybee just know internal and external blind.
i'll appreciate you if helping me.
thanks a lot

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Oh ... sorry.

Have to say that my experience with OS is not big, so i can't give you a schooled recommendation. Like i say: "what is good for you is good for me".


Hi chris

sorry for my late

Thanks for your kind

In this step of my work I just wanna adjust the slat's degree and see the result. I think by this way it's not possible, am I right?



Also wanna simulate a multi conditional(3part) blind in HB,that each part of it adjust in separate, but I don't know how to do it.

Thanks again



You are the man!  If we are starting to discover bugs in E+, I would say that we have reached a new milestone!  I was not aware of a bug and that would be great if you could report it to E+ team.

Before doing that, I might just try checking to see if things change when the angle is changed and you are using a low slat width.  I might imagine that, regardless of the angle, if you have a really long slat width, not much light is getting through the window and so you would not see a change in results.

To answer your earlier questions, Abraham, you cannot use the SingleGlazing object (define only U, SHGC and VT) with the midplane object (you probably already figured this out).  The midplane object requires both panes of glass and air gaps on either side of it.

I understand you desire for dynamic shades.  I have way too much on my plate right now and I don't think that I can get to it for a very long time. If you are motivated to tackle this in the interim, feel free to overwrite the implementation that I have done, especially if you find something better that accommodates all types of dynamic shades/blinds.

In the cooling loads comment, I just meant that a simulation run with blinds in the panes of glass had lower cooling energy than a simulation without blinds in the glass.  I have not compared blinds between glass to external blinds yet but I would imagine that external blinds would be better. Heating loads were also higher with the blinds.


So weird finding those issues ... hard to believe!!

I'll try to suggest some work around to this ... hopefully next week. My table is also a mess with things right now :-(

And i also mean about the bio-climatic chart. Sorry for not having done this yet.

Do you or Mostapha have a suggestion on how to update automatically the Material Library without doing my dirty ctrl+E each time?



You can see in the definition of the blind a row 45; Slat angle.

This is where you can change the angle of your blind.

See attached file. There you need to change just the slider with the angle, update some of the components definitions (see attched: ctrl+E 1, 2 and 3. Not sure how it can be done automatically ... or more efficiently) and it will run it for you.

Those are the good news. But unfortunately i have also bad news:

Even though the WindowMaterial:Blind:EquivalentLayer is defined well, EnergyPlus is not taking it into account. This is a bug in E+ i think. In the Construction object the name of the Blind is highlighted, like it is missing. When you see what you can peek from the list you don't see the Blind name.

Moreover, i see that there is also another Object (Construction:WindowEquivalentLayer) that is supposed to be the one that "can model various mix of glazing and shading layers combination". But still when you define an object under this type you don't get the EquivalentLayerBlind either.

I'll try to report this on the helpdesk of E+.

Chris or Mostapha, are you aware of this issue with E+?


Hope it helps a bit.



Hi Abraham

I did it , but the results are the same. It seems that doesn't change the slat angle.



Hi Masoome,

You are right. This is because what i wrote. The process in GH is ok, but the problem is in the EnergyPlus environment, where the definitions of the Blinds are not taken into consideration AT ALL. This is a bug on their end.

If you check the IDF created you'll see that the angle is right ... but is not affecting the simulation.


Interesting! No. I didn't know about this. I assume that you have already posted this to EnergyPlus helpdesk? Please keep us posted about the results. Finding bugs in EP is fun! :)

Just reported. Let's see what they say.

I wouldn't say it as fun but ... there is something there :-)


yes, I think it's energy plus bug too.

but what if we add the blind in "window material:blind"

I checked it before. it works properly.



Yes and no.

Yes: It will work indeed.

No: ShadingControl is not yet implemented in HB so it won't work without it.

See this discission:

I'm trying to find out, as Chris suggested, a temporary way to do that but ... the ShadingControl object can be hard to implement without some coding ... I'll keep thinking on this, maybe i'll do the code.







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