
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Mostapha and all,

I've started using Ladybug and Honeybee and they're terrific!

But I can't seem to find a way to change units in variety of analyses in Ladybug, for example switching the temperature unit from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Can someone let me know?

Thank you!


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Easy one,

In LB look for the group number 4. There is a group of components to convert different unit types.

Thank you for your quick answer, Abraham!

I totally missed it.

Abraham hit it on the nail. It's in the last group in the very last panel. There are converters there between Farenheight and Celcius, watts/square meter and BTU/ sqft, and hour of year and date. Let us know if there are any converters that you feel are particularly important that we should include there.

M/s to mph would be nice. I tried to convert it using a multiplication.  I separated the numbers from the strings.  Then multiplied the numbers by .23694.  How to I recombine the numbers so the wind rose component accepts the new values?

Here you go!


Wow, thank you sir!





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