
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I'm experiencing for the first time a strange issue with the Honeybee EnergyPlus simulation components.

When connecting the "Honeybee_generate Output" component to the "Run Energy Sim", I don't get any cooling energy results nor mechanical ventilation results.

When leaving the "simulationOutputs_" input of the "Run Energy Sim" as default, I get the cooling energy results. I still don't get the mechanical ventilation energy...

Here you can find attached the "report file". It seems that the problem is coming from the .rdd file. Some variables related to ventilation or cooling can't be found in the .rdd but are written in the .idf.

Would you have any solution to help me resolve this issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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The fact that some of the requested outputs are not in the rdd is normal.  The "Generate EP Output" component requests outputs for all different types of HVAC systems and these are meant to be ignored if no such HVAC system is in the IDF.  Your issue is happening for some other reason. I imagine that it might have to do with a change that was merged a while back:

And was later changed:

I would try dragging/dropping a new Generate EP Output onto your canvass as one of the inputs to this component has changed in the last month.  Also, I know that all of your issues would be solved if you just upgraded to the OpenStudio component, which does the same exact thing as the Write IDF component but with the option of specifying detailed HVAC.


Thank you Chris,

I changed my components after updating Honeybee/Ladybug on my computer but the problem with the RunEnergyPlus component is not solved.

I've tried to use the OpenStudio component but I get some issues with csv schedules. Strangely, the workaround you used to set csv schedule with OpenStudio is working well for all my schedules (occupancy, lighting, equipment...) except for the activity and ventilation ones. When I replace these two schedules with standard office buildings energy+ schedules, it works perfectly and I get the results for cooling and mechanical ventilation energy.

With the custom csv schedules for activity and ventilation, there is an error when writing the idf:

ZoneSTD_PeopleObject, !- Name
ZoneSTD, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SCHLAB_OCC, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
, !- Number of People
0.044, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3, !- Fraction Radiant
, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
; !- Activity Level Schedule Name

There is a blank instead of the activity schedule name and:

ZoneSTD_DSOA, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00513888888888889, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
0, !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}

The ; after the schedule name is apparently missing.

You can see attached the report file.

How could I solve this issue in order to use my custom schedules?




Thank you for finding these bugs and I'll try to fix them now.  The OpenStudio component is supposed to handle all that the old IDF component used to do so I would much rather have you just get that working.  I should also say that, if you construct schedules with the Annual Schedule component, you should never have any issues with them being written into the .osm or .idf.

If I fall asleep before I get the bugs fied, I'll get them tomorrow.


I fixed all of the CSV schedule capabilities in the OpenStudio component so everything should now work fine for you:

Just sync with the github and you are set.  I hope this is the beginning of your transition to the OpenStudio component moving forward.  I need to redo the Honeybee tutorial videos at some point using only the OpenStudio component so that everyone understands it's basically an improved version of the E+ component.


Thanks Chris, it works!






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