
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

this error  message appear durring starting :

1. Honeybee cannot find RADIANCE folder on your system.
Make sure you have RADIANCE installed on your system.
You won't be able to run daylighting studies without RADIANCE.
A good place to install RADIANCE is c:\radiance

2. Honeybee cannot find DAYSIM folder on your system.
Make sure you have DAYISM installed on your system.
You won't be able to run annual climate-based daylighting studies without DAYSIM.
A good place to install DAYSIM is c:\DAYSIM

3. Honeybee cannot find EnergyPlusV7-2-0 folder on your system.
Make sure you have EnergyPlusV7-2-0 installed on your system.
You won't be able to run energy simulations without EnergyPlus.
A good place to install EnergyPlus is c:\EnergyPlusV7-2-0

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As you can see Honeybee can't find the RADIANCE on your system. Do you have RADIANCE installed? You need to download and install RADIANCE to be able to run daylighting analysis. Check the release notes for more information:

You are very welcome. Let me know how it goes. Happy simulations. :)

Honeybee cannot find EnergyPlusV7-2-0 folder on your system >> this proplem still however the othe solved

Great! You should be fine as the components that are using EnergyPlus are not in the current release.

ok >> thanks for your answer and  really it is agood innovation :)





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