
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am running an energy simulation with honeybee to show indoor microclimate map. The simulation works fine but the honeybee adaptive comfort analysis receipt component keeps show this error message below 

1. For one of the meshes in the _viewFactorMesh, the number of faces in the mesh and test points in the _testPtViewFactor do not match.
This can sometimes happen when you have geometry created with one Rhino model tolerance and you generate a mesh off of it with a different tolerance.
Try changing your Rhino model tolerance and seeing if it works.

Thanks for the help

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The error is happening for a very simple reason.  You flattened the vieFactorMesh output from the "View Factor" component and the other component rely on the data tree structure of this output in order to understand which meshes correspond to which volumes of air.  Find a working file attached.



Thank you Chris!! This helps, I am running the simulation now and everything works fine!





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