
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a problem with "Export to Openstudio" component. It seems that it do not read any CSV schedule file. Energyplus run the simulation and give me the results. Since I have HVAC system, I want to use "Export to Openstudio". But it gives me zero for Heating and cooling load. It seems that it can not read CSV schedules. All of the schedules data has been defined as CSV.
The OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf in Ladybug file is the most updated one (09/27/2016). Openstudio version is 1.12 , the Ladybug is 0.0.63, and Honeybee is 0.061.

Does anybody have an idea for this?
I do not know how to solve it. I tried to uninstall and install all the soft wares but it did not work.
Thank you very much for your time and considerations.

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It sounds like a lot of your components are old (as well as your version of OpenStudio).  Sync your components with the github (using the Update Honeybee component) and you will find that CSV schedules work in the latest version of the Export to OpenStudio component.


Thank you so much for your reply. I have "Update Honeybee" component in my model and its toggle is always True.
-I got you advice and update it again. But the problem did not solve.
-I replaced all the previous Honeybee components with the new ones. But the problem was there!!!
-Then, I used another component to create the CSV files. Previously, "Honeybee Create CSV Schedule" was used. I replaced this component with "Honeybee Annual Schedule",but the problem remained.
(the interesting Part was that Energyplus could run my model perfectly but Openstudio could not!)
- I disconnectd setpoints schedules from "Honeybee Set Energyplus Schedules" component and used another component (Honeybee Set Energyplus Zone Threshold) for assigning setpoints. By this new component, I cannot use my desirable setpoints but it is OK since the new component just get fixed setpoints. Fortunately the problem has been Solved !!!!
I do not know why OpenStudio had problem with "Honeybee Set Energyplus Schedules"and could not read the created CSV file.
Anyway, that problem is solved, But I encounter another problem. The results of the analysis through Energyplus are different with Openstudio. (I used IdealLoadAirSystem for testing the model).
I do not know what is wrong??? And Which one is more reliable.

Thank you very much in advance. I appreciate your attention and advice.






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