
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I get the following error message " 1. Getting rid of interior walls has caused the connected zone geometry to not be closed.  Try connecting all zones of your building or all zones for each floor." when I connect all my zones to the indoor view factor calculator component (my building is one floor only) . What can be wrong and how do I fix that? 


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Thank you so much for your help. I've watched Mostafa's videos, I think they are a little hard to follow mainly because the video were targeting a live workshop audience and not online audience. I think I got the daylighting workflow, I have good background in daylighting simulations.

I have a question for you 

Do you think daysim will be able to handle a Radiance material that has BTRD function, such as this one that I created using optics6

Here is an example material created by Optics 5

void glass Solarglaze 70 DS_glass
3 0.670 0.713 0.688

void BRTDfunc Solarglaze 70 DS_front
0.094 0.095 0.093
0.615 0.654 0.631
0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

void BRTDfunc Solarglaze 70 DS_back
0.104 0.105 0.101
0.615 0.654 0.631
0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I have another question, about the EC glazing, I would like to setup Honeybee so that when window surface temperature becomes larger than a specific value the glass changes to tinted one with low transmissivity , how do I go about that? can this be accomplished by setting up a schedule?



Hi Rania,

The BTRD question is definitely one that Mostapha or another expert with Radiance should answer.  My expertise is really on the EnergyPlus side, which does mean that I can make some suggestions for the second part of your question with EC glazing.

EnergyPlus does not have an object for Electrochromic glazing but it does have one for thermochromic glazing, which sounds very similar to what you are trying to do in your situation.  We have not made a Honeybee component for this thermochromic glazing yet but you can assign this material to your Honeybee objects by inputting a string in IDF language like so:

See attached GH file for the example in the image.



Small correction to the response that I just gave.  It does seem possible to model electrochromic glazing (and not just thermocrhromic glazing or glazing that changes trasmittance in response to its temperature).  For electrochromic glazing, it seems that you would have to use the Construction:ComplexFenestrationState object to describe the window:

 It looks like this object is made to work with LBNL's WINDOW software.


Hi Chris,

True that this is the option described in the I/O Reference (looks complicated for now ...). Though in the examples file there is one (PurchAirWithDaylighting.idf) which shows, probably, an older option for EC glazing. It uses WindowShadingControl (see attached at the bottom of your example).

Do you think it is viable?



Thanks for posting, Abraham!

This looks like a a much simpler/easy-to-understand way to do it.  So you would assign your material to a HB window and plug the shading control object into "additionalStrings" of the Run Simulation component.  I imagine a lot of other cases where this might be useful such as cases where the insulation of the glazing is changing, etc.

Thanks again for letting us all know about it.


Hi Chris,

The remaining question is where or how to input in the FenestrationSurface:Detailed object the line regarding the Shading Control Name (WIN-CONTROL-GLARE in the example i sent).

I understand the WindowProperty:ShadingControl object can be generic for many cases/window objects, so you can register it through the additionalStrings", right?



Sorry for responding so late.  I just changed the way that the additionalStrings input works yesterday since I realized that the previous manifestation made it very difficult to input new lines of text from Grasshopper.

I did not realize that you actually had to change the means by which the window fenestration surface was written into the IDF (not just the construction and the writing of the shading control object).

You can use the new additional strings input to get around this by not including the window as a HBSurface and writing it separately into the additionalStrings input. You then have to write all of the constructions and materials with the additional strings input.  Attached you can find your file with the correctly-formatted way of writing the additional lines into the IDF.  It's a huge hassle to use the shading control object, though, so I would really recommend my previous example.

Also, I do not know how to write the daylighting control object into the zone and you are going to have to figure that out for me to get this method to work.



Made me laugh Chris,

See attached for the Construction:ComplexFenestrationState definitions. Took them from WINDOW, one of the Sage's glasses (you need also the other file for the matrix of data).

Hoking all this to the additionalStrings is not a problem (of course). But how to assign this to the windows? I understand somehow, you decomposed one window and got the coords, etc. But this is a torture to do. Do you think there is a way with the existing components?

As for the Daylighting Control (which is what made me laugh) i'll try to think something out. We have this problem with our interface. We solved the location of the sensors but no the direction (for glare). So right now they are good only for daylighting level. Also their location is done manually, one by one for each zone. Don't think there is a better way.



Just wanted  to add that i tried connecting a panel with the name of the EC construction to the HB_addHBGlz but no use. The HB_runEnergySimulation complains about a lot of elements not found on library.


The issue with assigning the construction to the windows is that there would have to be a shading control attribute of HB windows that I would have to add into HB_HB.

This beckons for a whole new workflow for shadingControl objects that I haven't investigated enough in order to set up nicely right now.  I feel like maybe shading control like this should all be assigned through the zone shades component, which is currently the only component that handles shading control objects.

I have added in a github issue for when I find the time to get to this:


For anyone following this thread,

There is now a simple way to assign electrochromic glazing with the Window Shade Generator component.  Check out this example:






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