
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All!

I am Atta, from Indonesia.  I have been following video tutes by Chris Mackey on energy Simulation, it is really helpful videos for a beginner.  When I constructed my own energy model (a very simple one), following instruction from Chris's Videos, it seems no problem.  However, when I used Bandung weather file (.epw) for simulation, it did not run successfully.  The unusual thing is that when I changed to default weather file (.epw) coming with Energyplus installation it was running successfully.  How can I resolve this problem? Can anyone help me please? 


I can send my grasshopper algo and Bandung EPW file if necessary.


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Hi Atta, Share the weather file so someone can take a look. There is no other way to know what's going wrong with your file.

Hi Mostapha,

Please find the attachments of my Exercise file, Bandung EPW file plus screen shot when simulation used bandung epw file. Thanks for your response. Really appreciate it and hopefully there is a solution.



I am sorry weather didnt go through with previous response


I dont know why wheather file didnt go through, instead here is the link to my dropbox for Bandung.epw.


Hi Atta,

Your weather file didn't have data for ground temperature which was causing the problem. I modified the function to handle cases with no data. If you update Ladybug + Honeybee you should be able to run the analysis with your weather file.


Hi Mostapha,
Horray!! it is working now. Thanks you so much.






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