
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Ladybug+Honeybee team,

Firstly I would like to thank to everybody in this community for all the passion and time you put in this group. I've learned many things from your discussion, your example files.

I have done a lot of things with Ladybug and Butterfly tool in my project for daylighting and wind simulation.

Now I'm starting with Honeybee tool to run energy simulation. And I stuck at the first step. I went through all topic that I found in this group to solve my issue. Unfortunally, I still don't understand how can I define the zone in my project.

I made a simple model to explain my  issue as you can see in the attached file.

Greyzone: Big living room with lots of windows around.

Blue zone: Storage room which is a half underground.

Green zone: Kitchen which is inside and same level floor with the greyzone, 

Red zone: Bedroom which is a half outside and a half inside. It has the glass windows to look out side and inside

Pink zone: Working room (half inside and half outside). It's directly connected with the inside space and glass window outside

Yellow zone: Skyline.

They are connected to each other by stair case. 

 As I see in many example file, Zones are at the same floor and they are not intersect each other. My situation is opposite.

Could you help me clarify how can I define the zone in this situation to have the correct energy model?

Thank you for your time,


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Check this series of tutorial from Chris :)

Hi Lukanuts,

Thank you for your reply.

As I said, I've already watched the post, the videos. But none of those are fit with my case.



Your case is no different from the other similar cases with adjacent surfaces. You need to remove the zones from the stair case and split the adjacent surfaces. Something like this image:

I suggest to simplify the staircase to a extruded polygon instead of a cylinder. That will save you a lot of time for the simulation and won't affect the results as much. Also if the stairs are highly glazed check the discussions for modeling highly glazed multi-story spaces with EnergyPlus. There are limitations in the process.







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