
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to model complex bending of a wood veneer, or paper or any sort of matérials that are not elastic and cannot stretch.

I would like to have a bathtub like geometry, which is a non developable surface. So I was hoping that by setting some ancor points and letting the rest of the geometry free, I would have something close to it and developable.

But obviously, it's not the case.

Does anyone managed to do something like this?

The equilateralize exemple file seems to but the best starting point, but maybe there is a better solution.

Thanks for your help

Views: 701


Replies to This Discussion

It works pretty well with kangaroo :-)

Hi Martin, thank you for your reply. Yes it's for a longboard.

I sure it does. I can't managed to find the right program though.

Maybe the probleme in also that my starting mesh in not made of equilaterize triangle, and Kangaroo have to distored it.





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